Staying Safe During Riots - High Risk Voyager

Posted in High Risk Travel Insurance on 1 November 2019

When travelling to a conflict or disaster zone, there is a persistent concern at the back of your mind of what action you would take should you find yourself caught in the middle of a volatile situation.

High Risk Voyager Travel Insurance present some helpful hints on how to get out these situations and what could be done if you find yourself stuck or trapped.

1) Don't Panic

Your instincts will initially tell you to panic, but don't. Panicking in this situation may cause you to act irrationally and make decisions you may not have made if you had a straight head on your shoulders.

Before taking any action, although time is of the essence, take a deep breath, gather your thoughts and execute your exit strategy.

It is always advisable that before heading to any country where there may be environmental or political unrest to have a plan in place and 'safety spots' where you can head should the unforeseen happen. It is also suggested to note where your own foreign embassy building is.

women panicking and covering her face with her hands

2) Don't Run

Again, if you find yourself caught in the middle of a conflict zone, running may be a natural instinct. However, by running you may attract unwanted attention and you may get separated from your group, family or friends. It is suggested that in this situation, you make an exit together.

Hold hands, remain calm, keep your head down and walk calmly towards the nearest wall or other barrier to avoid being trampled on by crowds and keep moving towards shelter. Even by heading inside a building, you are protecting yourself from the crowds of people and any weapons others may be carrying.

a women running

3) Stay Informed

It pays to stay informed on the current economical and political implications of the country. Is there a high risk that day of a protest or a riot? Has something happened that could potentially put you and / or others in danger?

If you have a High Risk Voyager Travel Insurance policy, make use of the free pre-travel country information download fact sheets.

Make acquaintances whilst you're there with the locals too. They are likely to be more informed of developing situations and where you may want to avoid during your trip.

group of people talking

4) Don't wander too far at night

Rioting can happen any time of day or night so it is best to prepare yourself for both scenarios. You can protect your safety in the evening by limiting the amount of time you spend out of your accommodation or complex.

This doesn't mean that you should be less cautious in the daytime. During the day, one of the best ways to protect yourself is by reading the local newspapers every morning, chatting to your acquaintances and avoiding any areas that are unrested.

person walking in the dark alone

5) Buy your Travel Insurance before you leave

Before you head on that business or leisure trip, one of the most important things to remember is to book your travel insurance!

When travelling to challenging or volatile environments across the world, you'll need a travel insurance product that is specifically designed for these destinations and the problems you may encounter. High Risk Voyager Travel Insurance can offer enhanced protection and extensive emergency assistance, even in countries the FCDO have advised 'against all' or 'all but essential' travel!

With a 24/7 emergency medical helpline and access to the 'One Tap Emergency Response' App, Emergency Medical Expenses cover up to £1,000,000, Emergency Medical Evacuation cover up to £1,000,000, as well as cover for PTSD treatment, optional cover for Baggage, Personal Accident or Cancellation / Curtailment and much, much more, High Risk Voyager Travel Insurance can offer peace of mind and financial protection from the unexpected on your next business or leisure trip.

We can also offer stand alone Kidnap and Ransom insurance as an optional added policy for extra protection and peace of mind should you or your employer feel you need it for your upcoming trip!

This article is for information and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute advice in any way. The information provided here is correct at the time of writing however please check the latest policy wording for the latest terms, conditions and exclusions.

group of tourists taking a photo together

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