The High Risk Voyager Affiliate Programme

The High Risk Voyager Affiliate Programme is a simple way for individuals and organisations to earn extra money.

Who is it for?

Any individual or organisation with a related website providing a service for travellers to high-risk destinations can start earning once the necessary Agreements are in place.

What does it cost?


How do I become an Affiliate?

  1. Use the form below to send your request.
  2. Complete the Agency Application and Agreement that we send you. Unless you are already authorised by the Financial Services Authority, we may need to make you an Introducer Appointed Representative (IAR).
  3. Add the hyperlink to your website. We will issue you with a special hyperlink which will link your site to ours. The link will contain a unique identifier so that our system can recognise which affiliate the customer has come from, and allocate commission accordingly.
  4. We will, however, need to approve all content relating to the insurance. Please note that as an IAR you are not able to make any specific recommendations or claims for the competitiveness or other merits of the insurance. All that is permitted is the provision of general information.

Click Here to Apply to Become an Affiliate

Do I have to get involved in processing policies and payments?

No, not at all. In fact, as an IAR you are not permitted to do any more than provide general information. We administer all payment processing and order fulfilment. You only have to add the link to your site, then promote it as you see fit. Being a High Risk Voyager Affiliate is an exciting way to enhance your existing site by offering your visitors a product which you feel will be of interest to them.

Does the content of my own site matter to High Risk Voyager?

Not unless it falls into one of the following categories. We do check out each affiliate's site and reserve the right to reject your affiliate application if, at our sole discretion, we believe that your subject matter is incompatible with our business, or likely to cause offence to customers. We will not consider applications from individuals or organisations whose web sites:

  • Promote violence
  • Are of a sexually explicit nature
  • Promote discrimination of any kind, including, but not limited to, discrimination on the basis of religion, race, sex, sexual orientation, colour or nationality
  • Contain or promote details of any illegal activity

Acceptance into the High Risk Voyager Affiliate Program is at our sole discretion. Please note that we must approve all content related to us and the insurance before it goes live.

Can I use your logo on my site?

On successful registration, we will make available to you a range of graphic images which you may use on your site to link to ours. The images may only be hosted on our servers - we will give you the source code to include it in your site. The images may not be altered in any way and must be displayed in accordance with the instructions you will receive. Allowing the use of our images on your site does not confer any intellectual property rights in the images on you. You do not have to display a graphic image on your site, but it is more likely to be noticed than a line of text.

Can I leave the Affiliate Programme at any time?

Yes. If, for any reason, you no longer wish to be an Affiliate, just let us know. We will cancel your account and request that you remove any images and links from your site. We will pay you any outstanding commission with 90 days of the end of the month during which you terminated your affiliate status. We reserve the right to terminate your affiliate status at any time at our sole discretion. Such a situation is likely to arise only if the content of your site alters in such a way that it falls into one of the categories mentioned above.

Click Here to Apply to Become an Affiliate